Publications scientifiques
Les documents contenus dans ces répertoires sont rendus disponibles par les auteurs qui y ont contribué en vue d'assurer la diffusion à temps de travaux savants et techniques sur une base non-commerciale. Les droits de copie et autres droits sont gardés par les auteurs et par les détenteurs du copyright, en dépit du fait qu'ils présentent ici leurs travaux sous forme électronique. Les personnes copiant ces informations doivent adhérer aux termes et contraintes couverts par le copyright de chaque auteur. Ces travaux ne peuvent pas être rendus disponibles ailleurs sans la permission explicite du détenteur du copyright.
Articles publiés de 1986 à 1989
- Durand L.G., de Guise J., Cloutier G., Guardo R., Brais M., Evaluation of FFT-based and modern parametric methods for the spectral analysis of bioprosthetic valve sounds. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., BME-33 (6): 572-578, 1986.
- Cloutier G., Guardo R., Durand L.G., Spectral analysis of closing sounds produced by Ionescu-Shiley bioprosthetic aortic heart valves. Part I: Optimal number of poles and zeros for parametric spectral analysis. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 25 (5): 487-491, 1987.
- Cloutier G., Grenier M.C., Guardo R., Durand L.G., Spectral analysis of closing sounds produced by Ionescu-Shiley bioprosthetic aortic heart valves. Part II: Computer simulation of aortic closing sounds and estimation of their truncation level and signal-to-noise ratio. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 25 (5): 492-496, 1987.
- Cloutier G., Guardo R., Durand L.G., Spectral analysis of closing sounds produced by Ionescu-Shiley bioprosthetic aortic heart valves. Part III: Performance of FFT-based and parametric methods for extracting diagnostic spectral parameters. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 25 (5): 497-503, 1987.
- Cloutier G, Durand L.G., Guardo R., Sabbah H.N., Stein P.D., Bias and variability of diagnostic spectral parameters extracted from closing sounds produced by bioprosthetic valves implanted in the mitral position. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 36 (8): 815-826, 1989.
- Baranek H., Lee H.C., Cloutier G., Durand L.G., Automatic detection of sounds and murmurs in patients with "Ionescu-Shiley" aortic bioprostheses. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 27 (5): 449-455, 1989.
- Cloutier G., Lemire F., Durand L.G., Latour Y., Langlois Y.E., Computer evaluation of Doppler spectral envelope area in patients having a valvular aortic stenosis. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 16 (3): 247-260, 1990.
- Durand L.G., Blanchard M., Cloutier G., Sabbah H.N., Stein P.D., Comparison of pattern recognition methods for computer assisted classification of phonocardiograms of patients with a porcine bioprosthetic valve implanted in the mitral position. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 37 (12): 1121-1129, 1990.
- Cloutier G., Durand L.G., Évaluation par échocardiographie Doppler de la sévérité des obstructions des valvules aortiques naturelles. Innov. Tech. Biol. Méd., 11 (4): 435-457, 1990.
- Cloutier G., Durand L.G., Caractérisation du flot sanguin au niveau des valvules aortiques naturelles. Innov. Tech. Biol. Méd., 11 (5): 581-593, 1990.
- Allard L., Langlois Y.E., Durand L.G., Roederer G.O., Beaudoin M., Cloutier G., Roy P., Robillard P., Computer analysis and pattern recognition of Doppler blood flow spectra for disease classification in the lower limb arteries. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 17 (3): 211-223, 1991.
- Cloutier G. , Lemire F., Durand L.G., Latour Y., Jarry M., Solignac A., Langlois Y.E., Change in amplitude distributions of Doppler spectrograms recorded below the aortic valve in patients with a valvular aortic stenosis. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 17 (7): 667-678, 1991.
- Cloutier G., Allard L., Guo Z., Durand L.G., The effect of averaging cardiac Doppler spectrograms on the reduction of their amplitude variability. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 30 (2): 177-186, 1992.
- Allard L., Langlois Y.E., Durand L.G., Roederer G.O, Cloutier G., The effect of ensemble averaging on amplitude and feature variabilities of Doppler spectrograms recorded in the lower limb arteries. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 30 (3): 267-276, 1992.
- Shung K.K., Cloutier G., Lim C.C., The effects of hematocrit, shear rate, and turbulence on ultrasonic Doppler spectrum from blood. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 39 (5): 462-469, 1992.
- Guo Z., Durand L.G., Allard L., Cloutier G., Lee H.C., Langlois Y.E., Cardiac Doppler blood-flow signal analysis, Part I: Evaluation of the normality and stationarity of the temporal signal. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 31 (3): 237-241, 1993.
- Guo Z., Durand L.G., Allard L., Cloutier G., Lee H.C., Langlois Y.E., Cardiac Doppler blood-flow signal analysis, Part II: Time/frequency representation based on autoregressive modelling. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 31 (3):242-248, 1993.
- Cloutier G., Shung K.K., Cyclic variation of the power of ultrasonic Doppler signals backscattered by polystyrene microspheres and porcine erythrocyte suspensions. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 40 (9): 953-962, 1993.
- Cloutier G., Shung K.K., Study of red cell aggregation in pulsatile flow from ultrasonic Doppler power measurements. Biorheology, 30 (5 & 6): 443-461, 1993.
- Cloutier G., Shung K.K., Durand L.G., Experimental evaluation of intrinsic and nonstationary ultrasonic Doppler spectral broadening in steady and pulsatile flow loop models. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferro. Freq. Control., 40 (6): 786-795, 1993.
- Allard L., Cloutier G., Durand L.G., Roederer G.O., Langlois Y.E, Limitations of ultrasonic Duplex scanning for diagnosing lower limb arterial stenoses in the presence of adjacent segment disease. J. Vasc. Surg., 19 (4): 650-657, 1994.
- Guo Z., Durand L.G., Allard L., Cloutier G., Lee H.C., Classification of lower limb arterial stenoses from Doppler blood flow signal analysis with time-frequency representation and pattern recognition techniques.Ultrasound Med. Biol., 20 (4): 335-346, 1994.
- Cloutier G., Allard L., Durand L.G., Changes in ultrasonic Doppler backscattered power downstream of concentric and eccentric stenoses under pulsatile flow. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 21 (1):59-70, 1995.
- Allard L., Cloutier G., Durand L.G., Doppler velocity ratio measurements evaluated in a phantom model of multiple arterial disease. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 21 (4): 471-480, 1995.
- Allard L., Cloutier G., Durand L.G., Effect of the insonification angle on the Doppler backscattered power under red blood cell aggregation conditions. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferro. Freq. Control, 43 (2): 211-219, 1996.
- Cloutier G., Qin Z., Durand L.G., Teh B.G., Power Doppler ultrasound evaluation of the shear rate and shear stress dependences of red blood cell aggregation, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 43 (5): 441-450, 1996.
- Cloutier G., Allard L., Durand L.G., Characterization of blood flow turbulence with pulsed-wave and power Doppler ultrasound imaging. J. Biomechanical Eng., 118 (3): 318-325, 1996.
- Weng X., Cloutier G., Pibarot P., Durand L.G., Comparison and simulation of different levels of erythrocyte aggregation with pig, horse, sheep, calf, and normal human blood, Biorheology, 33 (4 & 5): 365-377, 1996.
- Weng X., Cloutier G., Beaulieu R., Roederer G.O., Influence of acute-phase proteins on erythrocyte aggregation, Am. J. Physiol., 271 (Heart and Circulatory Physiology 40): H2346-H2352, 1996.
- Allard L., Cloutier G., Durand L.G., Évaluation par écho-Doppler des sténoses artérielles des membres inférieurs en présence de lésions étagées, Artères et Veines, 15 (2): 51-60, 1996.
- Fontaine I., Cloutier G., Allard L., Non-Gaussian statistical property of the ultrasonic Doppler signal downstream of a severe stenosis, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 23 (1): 41-45, 1997.
- Cloutier G., Weng X., Roederer G.O., Allard L., Tardif F., Beaulieu R., Differences in the erythrocyte aggregation level between veins and arteries of normolipidemic and hyperlipidemic individuals, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 23 (9): 1383-1393, 1997.
- Cloutier G., Qin Z., Ultrasound backscattering from non-aggregating and aggregating erythrocytes - A review, Biorheology, 34 (6): 443-470, 1997.
- Qin Z., Durand L.G., Cloutier G., Kinetics of the "black hole" phenomenon in ultrasound backscattering measurements with red blood cell aggregation, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 24 (2): 245-256, 1998.
- Guo Z., Durand L.G., Allard L., Cloutier G., Fenster A., In vitro evaluation of multiple arterial stenoses using three-dimensional power Doppler angiography, J. Vasc. Surg., 27 (4): 681-688, 1998.
- Qin Z., Durand L.G., Allard L., Cloutier G., Effects of a sudden flow reduction on red blood cell rouleau formation and orientation using RF backscattered power, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 24 (4): 503-511, 1998.
- Weng X., Roederer G.O., Beaulieu R., Cloutier G., Contribution of acute-phase proteins and cardiovascular risk factors to erythrocyte aggregation in normolipidemic and hyperlipidemic individuals, Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 80 (6): 903-908, 1998.
- Sava H., Durand L.G., Cloutier G., Performance of short-time spectral parametric methods for reducing the variance of the Doppler ultrasound mean instantaneous frequency estimation, Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 37 (3): 291-297, 1999.
- Allard L., Cloutier G., Power Doppler ultrasound scan imaging of the level of red blood cell aggregation – An in vitro study, J. Vasc. Surg., 30 (1): 157-168, 1999.
- Weng X., Cloutier G., Genest J. Jr., Contribution of the -455G/A polymorphism at the fibrinogen gene to erythrocyte aggregation in patients with CAD, Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 82 (5): 1406-1411, 1999.
- Fontaine I., Bertrand M., Cloutier G., A system-based approach to modeling the ultrasound signal backscattered by red blood cells, Biophysical J., 77 (11): 2387-2399, 1999.
- Allard L., Cloutier G., Guo Z., Durand L.G., Review of the assessment of single level and multilevel arterial occlusive disease in lower limbs by duplex ultrasound, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 25 (4): 495-502, 1999.
- Cloutier G., Characterization of erythrocyte aggregation with ultrasound, Biorheology, 36 (5&6): 443-446, 1999.
- Teh B.G., Cloutier G., Modeling and analysis of ultrasound backscattering by spherical aggregates and rouleaux of red blood cells, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferro. Freq. Control., 47 (4): 1025-1035, 2000.
- Cloutier G., Qin Z., Shear rate dependence of ultrasound backscattering from blood samples characterized by different levels of erythrocyte aggregation, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 28 (4): 399-407, 2000.
- Cloutier G., Qin Z., Garcia D., Soulez G., Oliva V., Durand L.G., Assessment of arterial stenosis in a flow model with power Doppler angiography: Accuracy and observations on blood echogenicity, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 26 (9): 1489-1501, 2000.
- Cloutier G., Chen D., Durand L.G., Performance of time-frequency spectral techniques to estimate the intensity of blood flow turbulence with pulsed-wave Doppler ultrasound, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 27 (4): 535-550, 2001.
- Brunette J., Mongrain R., Cloutier G., Bertrand M., Bertrand O.F., Tardif J.C., A novel realistic three-layer phantom for intravascular ultrasound imaging, Int. J. Cardiac Imaging, 17 (5): 371-381, 2001.
- Savéry D., Cloutier G., A point process approach to assess the frequency dependence of ultrasound backscattering by aggregating red blood cells, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 110 (6): 3252-3262, 2001.
- Fontaine I., Savéry D., Cloutier G., Simulation of ultrasound backscattering by red cell aggregates: Effect of shear rate and anisotropy, Biophysical J., 82 (4): 1696-1710, 2002.
- Cloutier G., Chen D., Durand L.G., A new clutter rejection algorithm for Doppler ultrasound, IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 22 (4): 530-538, 2003.
- Fontaine I., Cloutier G., Modeling the frequency dependence (5-120 MHz) of ultrasound backscattering by red cell aggregates in shear flow at a normal hematocrit, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 113 (5): 2893-2900, 2003.
- Maurice R.L., Ohayon J., Frétigny, Y., Bertrand M., Soulez G., Cloutier G., Non-invasive vascular elastography : Theoretical framework, IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 23 (2): 164-180, 2004.
- Lupotti F.A., Zimmer A., Daronat M., Foster F.S., Van der Steen A.F.W., Cloutier G., Effects of aggregation of red cells and linear velocity gradients on the correlation-based method for quantitative IVUS blood flow at 20 MHz, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 30 (2): 205-214, 2004.
- Cloutier G., Soulez G., Qanadli S.D., Teppaz P., Allard L., Qin Z., Cloutier F., Durand L.G., A multimodality vascular imaging phantom with fiducial markers visible in DSA, CTA, MRA and ultrasound, Med. Physics, 31 (6): 1424-1433, 2004.
- Boussion N., Soulez G., de Guise J., Daronat M., Qin Z., Cloutier G., Geometrical accuracy and fusion of multimodal vascular images : A phantom study, Med. Physics, 31 (6): 1434-1443, 2004.
- Létourneau-Guillon L., Soulez G., Beaudoin G., Oliva V.L., Giroux M.F., Qin Z., Boussion N., Thérasse E., de Guise J., Cloutier G., CT and MR imaging of nitinol stents with distal markers, J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol., 15: 615-624, 2004.
- Cloutier G., Daronat M., Savéry D., Garcia D., Durand L.G., Foster F.S., Non-Gaussian statistics and temporal variations of the ultrasound signal backscattered by blood at frequencies between 10-58 MHz: Experimental results, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 116 (1): 566-577, 2004.
- Maurice R.L., Ohayon J., Finet G., Cloutier G., Adapting the Lagrangian speckle model estimator for endovascular elastography: Theory and validation with simulated radio-frequency data, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 116 (2): 1276-1286, 2004.
- Lerouge S., Raymond J., Salazkin I., Qin, Z., Gaboury L., Cloutier G., Oliva V., Soulez G., Endovascular aneurysm repair with stent-grafts: Experimental models can reproduce endoleaks, J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol., 15 (9): 971-979, 2004.
- Maurice R.L., Brusseau E., Finet G., Cloutier G., On the potential of the Lagrangian speckle model estimator to characterize atherosclerotic plaques in endovascular elastography : In vitro experiments using an excised human carotid artery, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 31 (1): 85-91, 2005.
- Savéry D., Cloutier G., Effect of red cell clustering and anisotropy on ultrasound blood backscatter: A Monte-Carlo study, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferro. Freq. Control, 52 (1): 94-103, 2005.
- Godbout B., de Guise J., Soulez G., Cloutier G., 3D elastic registration of vessel structures from IVUS data on biplane angiography, Acad. Radiol., 12 (1): 10-16, 2005.
- Maurice R.L., Daronat M., Ohayon J., Stoyanova E., Foster F.S., Cloutier G., Non-invasive high-frequency vascular ultrasound elastography, Physics Med. Biol., 50: 1611-1628, 2005.
- Genevès C., Wilquem F., Treyve F., Cloutier G., Soulez G., Saïdane K., Study of non-stationary mode flow of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, J. Applied Biomat. Biomech., 3(3): 176-184, 2005.
- Major A., Guidoin R., Soulez G., Gaboury L.A., Cloutier G., Sapoval M., Douville Y., Dionne G., Geelkerken R.H., Petrasek P., Lerouge S., Implant degradation and poor healing after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms: An analysis of explanted stent-grafts, J. of Endovasc. Ther., 13:457-467, 2006.
- Gennisson J.L., Cloutier G., Sol-gel transition in agar-gelatin mixtures with transient elastography, IEEE Trans. Ultras. Ferro. Freq. Controls, 53(4): 716-723, 2006. (Video).
- Bertolotti C., Qin Z., Lamontagne B., Durand L.G., Soulez G., Cloutier G., Influence of multiple stenoses on echo-Doppler functional diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease : a numerical and experimental study, Annals Biomed. Eng., 34(4): 564-574, April, 2006.
- Roy Cardinal M.H., Meunier J., Soulez G., Maurice R.L., Therasse É, Cloutier G., Intravascular ultrasound image segmentation: A three-dimensional fast-marching method based on gray level distributions, IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 25(5): 590-601, 2006.
- Gennisson J.L., Lerouge S., Cloutier G., Assessment by transient elastography of the viscoelastic properties of blood during clotting, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 32 (10): 1529-1537, 2006.
- Tang A., Cloutier G., Therasse É., Beaudoin G., Qanadli S., Giroux M.F., Boussion N., de Guise J., Oliva V., Soulez G., Optimization of spatial resolution for peripheral magnetic resonance angiography, Academic Radiology, 14 (1): 54-61, June 2007.
- Fromageau J., Gennisson J.L., Schmitt C., Maurice R.L., Mongrain R., Cloutier G., Estimation of polyvinyl alcohol cryogel mechanical properties with four ultrasound elastography methods and comparison with gold standard testings, IEEE Trans. Ultras. Ferro. Freq. Controls, 54 (3): 498-509, March 2007.
- Stoyanova E., Trudel M., Felfly H., Garcia D., Cloutier G., Characterization of circulatory disorders in b-thalassemic mice by non-invasive ultrasound biomicroscopy, Physiological Genomics, 29: 84-90, 2007.
- Savery D., Cloutier G., High-frequency ultrasound backscattering by blood: Analytical and semi-analytical models of the erythrocyte cross-section, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 121(6): 3963-3971, 2007.
- Maurice R.L., Fromageau J., Brusseau E., Finet G., Rioufol G., Cloutier G., On the potential of the Lagrangian estimator for endovascular ultrasound elastography: In vivo human coronary artery study, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 33(8): 1199-1205, 2007.
- Maurice R.L., Fromageau J., Yu F., Stoyanova E., Qin Z., Peng J., Hamet P., Tremblay J., Cloutier G., Ultrasound Micro-Elastography: A new imaging modality to phenotype hypertension in rat models, Canadian Acoustics, 35(2): 55-60, 2007.
- Yu F.T.H., Cloutier G., Experimental ultrasound characterization of red blood cell aggregation using the structure factor size estimator (SFSE), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 122(1): 645-656, July 2007.
- Garcia D., Fenech M., Qin Z., Soulez G., Cloutier G., Signal losses with real-time 3D power Doppler imaging, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 33(10): 1632-1639, 2007.
- Schmitt C., Soulez G., Maurice R.L., Giroux M.F., Cloutier G., Non-invasive vascular elastography: Toward a complementary characterization tool of atherosclerosis in carotid arteries, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 33(12): 1841-1858, 2007.
- Amararene A., Cloutier G., The intensity reflection coefficient: An alternative method for investigating blood backscattering properties with ultrasound, Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 38: 189-200, 2008.
- Maurice R.L., Fromageau J., Roy Cardinal M.H., Doyley M., Demuinck E., Robb J., Characterization of atherosclerotic plaques and mural thrombi with intravascular ultrasound elastography: A potential method evaluated in an aortic rabbit model and a human coronary artery, IEEE Trans. on Inform. Techno in Biomed., 12(3): 290-298, 2008, Special issue on Computer Vision for Intravascular and Intracardiac Imaging.
- Nguyen L.C., Yu F.T.H., Cloutier G., Cyclic changes in blood echogenicity under pulsatile flow are frequency dependent, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 34(4): 664-673, 2008.
- Janvier M.A., Durand L.G., Roy Cardinal M.H., Renaud I., Chayer B., Bigras P., de Guise J., Soulez G., Performance evaluation of a medical robotic 3D-ultrasound imaging system, Medical Image Analysis, 12: 275-290, 2008.
- Franceschini E., Yu F.T.H., Cloutier G., Simultaneous estimation of attenuation and structure parameters of aggregated red blood cells from backscatter measurements, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (express letter), 123(4): EL85-91, 2008.
- Cloutier G., Zimmer A., Yu F., Chiasson J.L., Increased shear rate resistance and fastest kinetics of erythrocyte aggregation in diabetes measured with ultrasound, Diabetes Care, 31(7): 1400-1402, 2008.
- Maurice R.L., Soulez G., Giroux M.-F., Cloutier G., Noninvasive vascular elastography for carotid artery characterization on subjects without previous history of atherosclerosis, Med Phys., 35(8): 3436-3443, 2008.
- Mercure E., Cloutier G., Schmitt C., Maurice R.L., Performance evaluation of different implementations of the Lagrangian speckle model estimator for non-invasive vascular ultrasound elastography, Med Phys., 35(7): 3116-3126, 2008.
- Fromageau J., Lerouge S., Maurice R.L., Soulez G., Cloutier G., Noninvasive vascular ultrasound elastography applied to the characterization of experimental aneurysms and follow-up after endovascular repair, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53: 6475-6490, 2008.
- Hadj Henni, A., Schmitt C., Cloutier G., 3-D transient and harmonic shear-wave scattering by a soft cylinder for dynamic vascular elastography, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 124(4): 2394-2405, 2008.
- Saha R.K., Cloutier G., A Monte Carlo study on ultrasound backscattering by three-dimensional distributions of red blood cells, Physical Review E, 78: 061919(1)-061919(9), December, 2008.
- Deprez J.F., Brusseau E., Schmitt C., Cloutier G., Basset O., 3-D estimation of soft biological tissue deformation from radio-frequency ultrasound volume acquisitions, Medical Image Analysis, 13(1): 116-127, 2009.
- Lécart M., Roy Cardinal M.H., Qin Z., Soulez G., Cloutier G., In vitro in-stent restenoses evaluated by 3D freehand ultrasound, Med. Phys., 36 (2): 513-522, February 2009.
- Destrempes F., Meunier J., Giroux M.F., Soulez G., Cloutier G., Segmentation in ultrasonic B-mode images of carotid arteries using mixture of Nakagami distributions and stochastic optimization, IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 28(2): 215-229, 2009.
- Le Floc`h S., Ohayon J., Tracqui P., Finet G., Gharib A., Maurice R.L., Cloutier G., Pettigrew R.I., Vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque elasticity reconstruction based on coupling dynamical segmentation with optimization of strain measurements: Theoretical framework, IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 28 (7): 1126-1137, July 2009.
- Yu, F.T.H., Franceschini, E., Chayer, B., Armstrong, J., Meiselman H.J., Cloutier G., Ultrasonic parametric imaging of erythrocyte aggregation using the structure factor size estimator, Biorheology, 46(4):343-363, 2009.
- Allard L., Soulez G., Chayer B., Treyve F., Qin Z., Cloutier G., Multimodality vascular imaging phantoms: A new material for the fabrication of realistic 3D vessel geometries, Med. Phys., 36(8): 3758-3763, August 2009.
- Fenech M., Garcia D., Meiselman H.J., Cloutier G., A particle dynamic model of red blood cell aggregation kinetics, Annals Biomed. Eng., 37(11): 2299-2309, 2009.
- Falcao S., Stoyanova E., Cloutier G., Maurice R.L., Gutkowska J., Lavoie J.L., Mice overexpressing both human angiotensinogen and human renin as a model of preeclampsia on chronic hypertension, Hypertension., 54(6): 1401-1407, December 2009.
- Franceschini E., Yu F.T.H., Destrempes F., Cloutier G., Ultrasound characterization of red blood cell aggregation with intervening attenuating tissue-mimicking phantoms using the structure factor size and attenuation estimator, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 127(2): 1104-1115, 2010.
- Meghoufel A., Cloutier G., Crevier-Denoix N., de Guise J.A., Ultrasound B-scan image simulation, segmentation and analysis of the equine tendon, Med. Phys., 37(3): 1038-1046, March 2010.
- Jankowski M., Bissonauth V., Gao L., Gangal M., Wang D., Danalache B., Wang Y., Stoyanova E., Cloutier G., Blaise G., Gutkowska J., Anti-inflammatory effect of oxytocin in rat myocardial infarction, Basic Research in Cardiology, 105: 205-218, 2010.
- Hadj Henni A., Schmitt C., Cloutier G., Shear wave induced resonance elastography of soft heterogeneous media, J. Biomech., 43(8): 1488-1493, 2010.
- Destrempes F., Cloutier G., A critical review and uniformized representation of statistical distributions modeling the ultrasound echo envelope, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 36(7): 1037-1051, 2010.
- Hamelin B., Goussard Y., Dussault J.P., Cloutier G., Beaudoin G., Soulez G., Design of iterative ROI transmission tomography reconstruction procedures and image quality analysis, Med. Phys., 37(7): 4577-4589, 2010.
- Janvier M.A., Soulez G., Allard L., Cloutier G., Validation of 3D reconstructions of a mimicked femoral artery with an ultrasound imaging robotic system, Med. Phys., 37(7): 3868-3879, 2010.
- Roy Cardinal M.H., Soulez G., Tardif J.C., Meunier J., Cloutier G., Fast-marching segmentation of three-dimensional intravascular ultrasound images: A pre- and post-intervention study, Med. Phys., 37(7): 3633-3647, 2010.
- Schmitt C., Hadj Henni A., Cloutier G., Ultrasound dynamic micro-elastography applied to the viscoelastic characterization of soft tissues and arterial walls, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 36(9): 1492-1503, 2010.
- Le Floc'h S., Cloutier G., Finet G., Tracqui P., Pettigrew R.I., Ohayon J., On the potential of a new IVUS elasticity modulus imaging approach for detecting vulnerable atherosclerotic coronary plaque: In vitro vessel phantom study, Physics Med. Biol., 55: 5701-5721, 2010.
- Meghoufel A., Cloutier G., Crevier-Denoix N., de Guise J.A., Tissue characterization of equine tendons from clinical B-scan images using a shock filter thinning algorithm, IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 30 (3): 597-605, 2011.
- Schmitt C., Hadj Henni A., Cloutier G., Characterization of blood clot viscoelasticity with dynamic ultrasound elastography and modeling of the rheological behaviour, J. Biomech., 44 (4): 622-629, 2011.
- Yu F.T.H., Armstrong J.K., Tripette J., Meiselman H.J., Cloutier G., A local increase in red blood cell aggregation can trigger deep vein thrombosis: Evidence based on quantitative cellular ultrasound imaging, J. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 9: 481-488, 2011.
- Destrempes F., Meunier J., Giroux M.F., Soulez G., Cloutier G., Segmentation of plaques in sequences of ultrasonic B-mode images of carotid arteries based on motion estimation and a Bayesian model, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 58 (8): 2202-2211, 2011. Video (Supplemental material).
- Mercure E., Deprez J.F., Fromageau J., Basset O., Soulez G., Cloutier G., Maurice R.L., A compensative model for the angle-dependence of motion estimates in noninvasive vascular elastography, Medical Physics, 38 (2): 727-735, 2011.
- Deprez J.F., Brusseau E., Fromageau J., Cloutier G., Basset O., On the potential of ultrasound elastography for pressure ulcer early detection, Medical Physics, 38 (4): 1943-1950, 2011.
- Saha R.K., Franceschini E., Cloutier G., Assessment of accuracy of the structure-factor-size-estimator method in determining red blood cell aggregate size from ultrasound spectrum backscatter coefficient, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 129 (4): 2269-2277, 2011.
- Hadj Henni A., Schmitt C., Tremblay M.E., Hamdine M., Heuzey M.C., Carreau P., Cloutier G., Hyper-frequency viscoelastic spectroscopy of biomaterials, J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mat., 4: 1115-1122, 2011.
- Soulez G., Therasse E., Giroux M.F., Bouchard L., Gilbert P., Perreault P., Cloutier G., Oliva V.L., Management of peripheral arterial disease: Role of computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance angiography, Quaterly Medical Review, 40 (9): e437-e452, 2011.
- Franceschini E., Metzger B., Cloutier G., Forward problem study of an effective medium model for ultrasound blood characterization, IEEE Trans. Ultras. Ferro. Freq. Controls, 58 (12): 2668-2679, 2011.
- Luo H., Wu Z., Tremblay J., Thorin E., Peng J., Lavoie J.L., Stoyanova E., Cloutier G., Qi S., Wu T., Cameron M., Wu J., EphB6 regulates vascular smooth muscle contractility and modulates blood pressure in concert with sex hormones, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287 (9): 6819-6829, 2012.
- Hadj Henni A., Schmitt C., Trop I., Cloutier G., Shear wave induced resonance elastography of spherical masses with polarized torsional waves, Applied Physics Letter, 100: 133702-1 - 133702-5, 2012. (Supplemental Material).
- Stoyanova E., Trudel M., Felfly H., Lemsaddek W., Garcia D., Cloutier G., Vascular endothelial dysfunction in Beta-thalassemia occurs despite increased eNOS expression and preserved vascular smooth muscle cell reactivity to NO, PLoS One, 7 (6): e38089-1 – e38089-8, 2012.
- Chayer B., Pitts K., Cloutier G., Fenech M., Velocity measurement accuracy in optical microhemodynamics: Experiment and simulation, Physiological Measurement, 33: 1585-1602, 2012.
- Roy D., Kauffmann C., Delorme S., Lerouge S., Cloutier G., Soulez G., A literature review of the numerical analysis of abdominal aortic aneurysms treated with endovascular stent-grafts Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 820389(1)-820389(16), 2012.
- Le Floc’h S., Cloutier G., Yoshifumi S., Finet G., Yazdani S.K., Deleaval F., Rioufol, G., Pettigrew R.I., Ohayon J., A four-criterion selection procedure for atherosclerotic plaque elasticity reconstruction based on in vivo coronary intravascular ultrasound radial strain sequences, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 38 (12): 2084-2097, 2012.
- Soulez G., Lerouge S., Allard L., Roméo P., Qi S., Héon H., Tardif J.C., Cloutier G., Vulnerable carotid atherosclerotic plaque creation in a swine model: Evaluation of stenosis creation using absorbable and permanent suture in a diabetic dyslipidemic model, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 23(12): 1700–1708, 2012.
- Stoyanova E., Cloutier G., Felfly H., Lemsaddek W., Ah-Son N., Trudel M., Evidence for a novel mechanism independent of myocardial iron in b-thalassemia cardiac pathegenesis, PLOS One, 7 (12): e52128-1 – e52128-11, 2012.
- Janvier F., Zhu X.X., Armstrong J., Meiselman, H.J., Cloutier G., Effects of amphiphilic star-shaped poly(ethylene glycol) polymers with a cholic acid core on human red blood cell aggregation, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 18 (2): 100-107, 2013.
- Schmitt C., Montagnon E., Hadj Henni A., Qi S., Cloutier G., Shear wave induced resonance elastography of venous thrombi: A proof-of-concept, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 32 (3): 565-577, 2013.
- Naim C., Cloutier G., Mercure E., Destrempes F., Qin Z., El-Abyad W., Lanthier S., Giroux M.F., Soulez G., Characterization of carotid plaques with ultrasound elastography: Feasibility and correlation with high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging, European Radiology, 23: 2030-2041, 2013.
- Tripette J., Denault A.Y., Allard L., Chayer B., Perrault L.P., Cloutier G., Ultrasound monitoring of RBC aggregation as a real-time marker of the inflammatory response in a cardiopulmonary bypass swine model, Critical Care Medicine, 41(8): E171-E178, 2013. (Editorial comment).
- Ekeom D., Hadj Henni A., Cloutier G., Design of a phased-array for the generation of radiation force along a path surrounding a breast lesion for dynamic ultrasound elastography imaging, IEEE Trans. Ultras. Ferro. Freq. Controls, 60 (3): 552-561, 2013.
- Montagnon E., Hadj Henni A., Schmitt C., Cloutier G., Viscoelastic characterization of elliptical mechanical heterogeneities using a semi-analytical shear-wave scattering model for elastometry measures, Physics. Med. Biol., 58 (4): 2325-2348, 2013.
- Allard L., Soulez G., Chayer B., Qin Z., Roy D., Cloutier G., A multimodality vascular imaging phantom of an abdominal aortic aneurysm with a visible thrombus, Medical Physics, 40 (6): 063701(1)-063701(10), 2013.
- Deleaval F., Bouvier A., Finet G., Cloutier G., Yazdani S.K., Le Floc’h S., Clarysse P., Pettigrew R.I., Ohayon J., The intravascular ultrasound elasticity-palpography technique revisited: A reliable tool for the in vivo detection of vulnerable coronary atherosclerotic plaques, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 39 (8): 1469-1481, 2013.
- Destrempes F., Porée J., Cloutier G., Estimation method of the Homodyned K-distribution based on the mean intensity and two log-moments, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 6 (3): 1499-1530, 2013.
- Garcia D., Le Tarnec L., Muth S., Montagnon E., Porée J., Cloutier G., Stolt's f-k migration for plane wave ultrasound imaging, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferro. Freq. Control, 60(9): 1853-1867, September 2013.
- Bouvier A., Deleaval F., Doyley M.M., Yazdani S.K., Finet G., Le Floc`h S., Cloutier G., Pettigrew R.I., Ohayon J., A direct vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque elasticity reconstruction method based on an original material-finite element formulation: Theoretical framework, Physics Med. Biol., 58: 8457-8476, 2013.
- Franceschini E., Saha R., Cloutier G., Comparison of three scattering models for ultrasound blood characterization, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferro. Freq. Control, 60 (11): 2321-2334, November 2013.
- Franceschini E., Cloutier G., Chapter 6 : Modeling of ultrasound backscattering by aggregating red blood cells, In Quantitative Ultrasound in Soft Tissues, Springer (New York), J. Mammou and M.L. Oelze Editors: pages 117-145 (book of 444 pages), 2013.
- Destrempes F., Cloutier G., Chapter 10 : Review of envelope statistics models for quantitative ultrasound imaging and tissue characterization, In Quantitative Ultrasound in Soft Tissues, Springer (New York), J. Mammou and M.L. Oelze Editors: pages 219-274 (book of 444 pages), 2013.
- Montagnon E., Hadj-Henni A., Schmitt C., Cloutier G., Rheological assessment of a polymeric spherical structure using a three-dimensional shear wave scattering model in dynamic spectroscopy elastography, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferro. Freq. Controls, 61 (2): 277-287, 2014.
- Mercure E., Destrempes F., Roy Cardinal M.H., Porée J., Soulez G., Ohayon J., Cloutier G., A local angle compensation method based on kinematics constraints for non-invasive vascular axial strain computations on human carotid arteries, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Special issue paper, 38 (2): 123-136, March 2014.
- Mehregan F., Tournoux F., Muth S., Pibarot P., Rieu R., Cloutier G., Garcia D., Doppler vortography: A color Doppler approach for quantification of the intraventricular blood flow vortices, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 40 (1): 210-221, 2014.
- Mfoumou E., Tripette J., Blostein M., Cloutier G., Time-dependent hardening of blood clots quantitatively measured in vivo with shear wave ultrasound imaging in a rabbit model of venous thrombosis, Thrombosis Research, 133: 265-271, 2014.
- Le Tarnec L., Destrempes F., Cloutier G., Garcia D., A proof of convergence of the Horn and Schunck optical flow algorithm in arbitrary dimension, SIAM J Imaging Sci, 7 (1): 277-293, January 2014.
- Naim C., Douziech M., Therasse É., Robillard P., Giroux M.F., Arsenault F., Cloutier G., Soulez G., Vulnerable atherosclerotic carotid plaque evaluation by ultrasound, computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance imaging: An overview, Canadian Association Radiologist Journal, 65: 275-286, August 2014.
- Janvier M.A., Merouche S., Allard L., Soulez G., Cloutier G., A 3D ultrasound imaging robotic system to detect and quantify lower limb arterial stenoses : in vivo feasibility, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 40 (1): 232-243, 2014.
- Balocco S., Gatta C., Ciompi F., Wahle A., Radeva P., Carlier S., Unal G., Sanidas, E., Mauri F., Carillo X., Kovarnik T., Wang C.W., Chen H.C., Exarchos T.P., Fotiadis D.I., Destrempes F., Cloutier G., Pujol, O., Alberti M., Mendizabal-Ruiz E.G., Rivera M., Aksoy T., Downe R.W., Kakadiaris, I., Standardized evaluation methodology and reference database for evaluating IVUS image segmentation, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Special issue paper, 38 (2): 70-90, March 2014.
- Ohayon J., Finet G., Le Floc’h S., Cloutier G., Gharib A.M., Héroux J., Pettigrew R.I., Biomechanics of atherosclerotic plaque: Site, stability and in vivo modeling, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 42 (2): 269-279, February, 2014.
- Keshavarz-Motamed Z., Garcia J., Gaillard E., Capoulade R., LeVen F., Cloutier G., Kadem L., Pibarot P., Non-invasive determination of left ventricular workload in patients with aortic stenosis using magnetic resonance imaging and Doppler echocardiography, PLOS One, 9 (1): e86793(1)-e86793(10), January 2014.
- Majdouline Y., Ohayon J., Keshavarz-Motamed Z., Roy Cardinal M.H., Garcia D., Allard L., Lerouge S., Arsenault F., Soulez G., Cloutier G., Endovascular shear strain elastography for the detection and characterization of the severity of atherosclerotic plaques: In vitro validation and in vivo evaluation, Ultrasound Med. Biol., Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 890–903, 2014.
- Destrempes F., Roy Cardinal M.H., Allard L., Tardif J.C., Cloutier G., Segmentation method of intravascular ultrasound images of human coronary arteries, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Special issue paper, 38 (2): 91-103, March 2014.
- Keshavarz-Motamed Z., Garcia J., Gaillard E., Maftoon N., Cloutier G., Kadem L., Effect of coarctation of the aorta and bicuspid aortic valve on flow dynamics and turbulence in the aorta using particle image velocimetry, Experiments in Fluids, 55: 1696(1)-1696(16), 2014.
- Keshavarz-Motamed Z., Saijo Y., Majdouline Y., Riou L., Ohayon J., Cloutier G., Coronary artery atherectomy reduces plaque shear strains: An endovascular elastography imaging study, Atherosclerosis, 235: 140-149, 2014.
- Abran M., Cloutier G., Roy Cardinal M.H., Chayer B., Tardif J.C., Lesage F., Development of a photoacoustic, ultrasound and fluorescence imaging catheter for the study of atherosclerotic plaque, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Systems, 8 (5): 696-703, October 2014.
- Trop I., Destrempes F., El Khoury M., Robidoux A., Baboury L., Allard L., Chayer B., Cloutier G., The added value of statistical modeling of backscatter properties in the management of breast lesions at ultrasound, Radiology, 275 (3): 666-674, June 2015.
- Tang A., Cloutier G., Szeverenyil N.M., Sirlin C.B., Ultrasound elastography and MR elastography for assessing liver fibrosis: Part 1: Principles and techniques, American Journal of Roentgenology, 205 (1): 22-32 (invited), 2015.
- Tang A., Cloutier G., Szeverenyil N.M., Sirlin C.B., Ultrasound elastography and MR elastography for assessing liver fibrosis: Part 2: Diagnostic performance, confounders and future directions, American Journal of Roentgenology, 205 (1): 33-40 (invited), 2015.
- Tripette J., Nguyen L.C., Allard L., Robillard P., Soulez G., Cloutier G., In vivo venous assessment of red blood cell aggregate sizes in diabetic patients with a quantitative cellular ultrasound imaging method: Proof of concept, PlosOne, 10(4): e0124712(1)-e0124712(12), April 2015.
- Grasland-Mongrain P., Destrempes F., Mari J.M., Souchon R., Catheline S., Chapelon J.Y., Lafon C., Cloutier G., Acousto-electrical speckle pattern in Lorentz force electrical impedance tomography, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 60: 3747-3757, 2015.
- Garcia-Duitama J., Chayer B., Han A., Garcia D., Oelze M.L., Cloutier G., Experimental application of ultrafast imaging to spectral tissue characterization, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 41 (9): 2506-2519, 2015.
- Ouared A., Montagnon E., Kazemirad S., Gaboury L., Robidoux A., Cloutier G., Frequency adaptation for enhanced radiation force amplitude in dynamic elastography, IEEE Trans. on Ultrasonics, Ferro. Freq. Control, 62(8): 1453-1466, 2015.
- Porée J., Garcia D., Chayer B., Ohayon J., Cloutier G., Non-invasive vascular elastography with plane strain incompressibility assumption using ultrafast coherent compound plane wave imaging, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 34 (12): 2618-2631, 2015.
- Ruthrauff A.A., King M.W., Tan K.T., Soulez G., Cloutier G., Roche-Nagle G., Tse L.W., Effects of pulsatile fatigue on in situ antegrade fenestrated stent grafts deployed in a patient-specific phantom model of juxtarenal aortic aneurysm, J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol., 26 (10): 1551-1558, 2015.
- Lessard S., Kauffmann C., Pfister M., Cloutier G., Therasse E., de Guise J., Soulez G., Automatic detection of selective arterial devices for advanced visualization during abdominal aortic aneurysm endovascular repair, Medical Engineering and Physics, 37: 979-986, 2015.
- Ouared A., Montagnon M., Cloutier G., Generation of remote adaptive torsional shear waves with an octagonal phased array to enhance displacements and reduce variability of shear wave speeds: Comparison with quasi-plane shear wavefronts, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 60: 8161-8165, 2015.
- Zhang E., Wartelle-Bladou C., Lepanto L., Lachaine J., Cloutier G., Tang A., Cost-utility analysis of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis screening, European Radiology, 25 (10): 3282-3294, 2015.
- Gahide G., Hadjadj S., Therasse E., Kauffmann C., Guilbert P., Oliva V.L., Tardif J.C., Lespérance J., Cloutier G., Soulez G., Value of C-arm computed tomography to evaluate stent deployment during femoro-popliteal revascularization, Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, 38 (6): 1458-1467, 2015.
- Destrempes F., Franceschini E., Yu F.T.H., Cloutier G., Unifying concepts of statistical and spectral quantitative ultrasound techniques, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 35 (2): 488-500, 2016.
- Tacheau A., Le Floc’h S., Finet G., Doyley M.M., Pettigrew R.I., Cloutier G., Ohayon J., The imaging modulography technique revisited for high-definition intravascular ultrasound: Theoretical framework, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 42 (3): 727-741, 2016.
- Merouche S., Allard L., Montagnon E., Soulez G., Bigras P., Cloutier G., A robotic ultrasound scanner for automatic vessel tracking and three-dimensional reconstruction of B-mode images, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferro. Freq. Control, 63 (1): 35-46, 2016.
- Grasland-Mongrain P., Miller-Jolicoeur E., Tang A., Catheline S., Cloutier G., Contactless remote induction of shear waves in soft tissues using a transcranial magnetic stimulation device, Physics Med. Biol., 61: 2582-2593, 2016.
- Saloum E., Bertrand-Grenier A., Lerouge S., Kauffman C., Héon H., Therasse E., Salezkin I., Roy Cardinal M.H., Cloutier G., Soulez G., Abdominal aortic aneurysm follow-up after endovascular repair in a canine model with non-invasive vascular elastography, Radiology, 279 (2): 410-419, 2016.
- Ouared A., Kazemirad S., Montagnon E., Cloutier G., Ultrasound viscoelasticity assessment using an adaptive torsional shear wave propagation method, Medical Physics, 43 (4): 1603-1614, 2016.
- Posada D., Porée J., Pellissier A., Chayer B., Tournoux F., Cloutier G., Garcia D., Staggered multiple-PRF ultrafast color Doppler, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 35 (6): 1510-1521, June 2016.
- Kazemirad S., Bernard S., Hybois S., Tang A., Cloutier G., Ultrasound shear wave viscoelastography: Model-independent quantification of complex shear modulus, IEEE Trans. Ultras. Ferro. Freq. Cont., 63(9): 1399-1408, 2016.
- Porée J., Posada D., Hodzic A., Tournoux F., Cloutier G., Garcia D., High-frame-rate echocardiography using coherent compounding with Doppler-based motion-compensation, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,35 (7): 1647-1657, July, 2016.
- de Monchy R., Destrempes F., Saha R.K., Cloutier G., Franceschini E., Coherent and incoherent ultrasound backscatter from cell aggregates, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140 (3): 2173-2184, September, 2016.
- Grasland-Mongrain P., Lu Y., Lesage F., Catheline S., Cloutier G., Generation of shear waves by laser in soft media in the ablative and thermoelastic regimes, Applied physics letters, 109:221901(1)-221011(5), November, 2016. (Cover issue).
- Wang Y., Wu Z., Luo H., Peng J., Raelson J., Ehret G.B., Munroe P.B., Stoyanova E., Qin Z., Cloutier G., Bradley W.E., Wu J., The role of GRIP1 and ephrin B3 in blood pressure control and vascular smooth muscle cell contractility, Scientific Reports, 6: 38976(1)-38976(10), December, 2016.
- Destrempes F., Roy Cardinal M.H., Saijo Y., Finet G., Tardif J.C., Cloutier G., Assessment of inter-expert variability and of an automated segmentation method of 40 and 60 MHz IVUS images of coronary arteries, Plos One 12(1): e0168332(1)-22, January, 2017.
- Petitclerc L., Sebastiani G., Gilbert G., Cloutier G., Tang A., Liver Fibrosis: Review of Current Imaging and MRI Quantification Techniques, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, invited review 45 (5): 1276-1295, May, 2017.
- Bernard S., Kazemirad S., Cloutier G., A frequency shift method to measure shear-wave attenuation in soft tissues, IEEE Trans. Ultras. Ferro. Freq. Cont., 64 (3): 514-524, March, 2017.
- Bertrand-Grenier A., Lerouge S., Tang A., Salloum E., Therasse E., Kauffmann C., Héon H., Salazkin I., Cloutier G., Soulez G., Abdominal aortic aneurysm follow-up by shear wave elasticity imaging after endovascular repair in a canine model, European Radiology, 27 (5): 2161-2169, May, 2017.
- Roy Cardinal M.H., Heusinkveld M.H.G., Qin Z., Lopata R.G.P., Naim C., Soulez G., Cloutier G., Carotid artery plaque vulnerability assessment using non-invasive ultrasound elastography: Validation with magnetic resonance imaging, American Journal of Roentgenology, 209 (1): 142-151, 2017.
- Kazemirad S., Zhang E., Nguyen B., Bodson-Clermont P., Destrempes F., Trudel D., Cloutier G., Tang A., Detection of steatohepatitis in a rat model using spectroscopic shear wave US elastography, Radiology, 282 (3): 726-733, 2017.
- Bernard S., Cloutier G., Forward and inverse elastic wave scattering by irregular inclusions for shear wave elastography, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142 (4): 2346-2364, October, 2017.
- Porée J., Chayer B., Soulez G., Ohayon J., Cloutier G., Non-invasive vascular modulography method for imaging the local elasticity of atherosclerotic plaques: Simulation and in vitro vessel phantom study, IEEE Trans. Ultras. Ferro. Freq. Controls., 64(12): 1805-1817, 2017.
- Guilbert C., Chayer B., Allard L., Yu F.T.H., Cloutier G., Influence of erythrocyte aggregation on radial migration of platelet-sized spherical particles in shear flow, J. Biomechanics, 61 (8): 26-33, 2017.
- Garcia-Duitama J., Chayer B., Garcia D., Goussard Y., Cloutier G., A protocol for robust in vivo measurements of erythrocyte aggregation using ultrasound spectroscopy, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 43(12): 2871-2881, 2017.
- Cloutier G., Roy Cardinal M.H., Ju Y., Giroux M.F., Lanthier S., Soulez G., Carotid plaque vulnerability assessment using ultrasound elastography and echogenicity analysis, American Journal of Roentgenology, 211 (4): 847-855, October, 2018. (Appendix S1)(Table S2)(Table S3).
- Bhatt M., Montagnon E., Destrempes F., Chayer B., Kazemirad S., Cloutier G., Acoustic radiation force induced resonance elastography of coagulating blood: theoretical viscoelasticity modeling and ex-vivo experimentation, Physics Med. Biol., 63 (6): 065018(1)-065018(18), March, 2018.
- Grasland-Mongrain P., Zorgani A., Nakagawa S., Bernard S., Gomes Paim L., Fitzharris G., Catheline S., Cloutier G., Ultrafast imaging of cell elasticity with optical microelastography, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115 (5): 861-866, January, 2018.
- Joos P., Porée J., Liebgott H., Vray D., Baudet M., Faurie J., Tournoux F., Cloutier G., Nicolas B., Garcia D., High-frame-rate speckle tracking echocardiography, IEEE Trans. Ultras. Ferro. Freq. Controls, 65 (5): 720-728, May, 2018.
- Hodzic A., Chayer B., Porée J., Cloutier G., Garcia D., Saloux E., Tournoux F., Accuracy of speckle tracking in the context of stress echocardiography in short axis view: An in vitro validation study, Plos One, 13 (3): e0193805(1)-e0193805(11), 2018.
- Gyawali P., Ziegler D., Cailhier J.F., Denault A., Cloutier G., Quantitative measurement of erythrocyte aggregation as a systemic inflammatory marker by ultrasound imaging: A systematic review, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 44(7): 1303-1317, 2018.
- El-Jalbout, R., Cloutier G., Roy Cardinal M.H., Henderson M., Lapierre C., Soulez G., Dubois J., Carotid artery intima-media thickness measurement in children with normal and increased BMI: A comparison of three techniques, Pediatric Radiology, 48: 1073-1079, 2018.
- De Monchy R., Rouyer J., Destrempes F., Chayer B., Cloutier G., Franceschini E., Estimation of polydispersity in aggregating red blood cells by quantitative ultrasound backscatter analysis, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143 (4): 2207-2216, April 2018.
- Bertrand-Grenier A., Zehtabi F., Lerouge S., Alturkistani H., Kauffmann C., Bodson-Clermont P., Salazkin I., Héon H., Cloutier G., Soulez G., Shear wave elasticity imaging for residual endoleak and thrombus characterization after endoleak embolization following endovascular aneurysm repair: A canine animal study, European Radiology Experimental, 2 (28): 1-9, December, 2018.
- Porée J., Baudet M., Tournoux F., Cloutier G., Garcia D., A dual tissue-Doppler optical-flow method for speckle tracking echocardiography at high-frame-rate, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 37 (9): 2022-2032, September, 2018.
- Li H., Chayer B., Roy Cardinal M.H., Muijsers J., van den Hoven M., Qin Z., Gesnik M., Soulez G., Lopata R.G.P., Cloutier G., Investigation of out-of-plane motion artifacts in two-dimensional noninvasive vascular ultrasound elastography, Physics Med. Biol., 63: 245003(1)-(15), December, 2018.
- Lungu E., Grondin P., Tetreault P., Desmeules F., Cloutier G., Choinière M., Bureau N.J., Ultrasound-guided tendon fenestration versus open-release surgery for the treatment of chronic lateral epicondylosis of the elbow: protocol for a prospective, randomised, single blinded study, BMJ Open, 8, e021373(1)-(12), 2018.
- Li H., Porée J., Roy Cardinal M.H., Cloutier G., Two-dimensional affine model-based strain estimators for noninvasive vascular ultrasound elastography with compound plane wave and transverse oscillation beamforming, Ultrasonics, 91: 77-91, 2019.
- Gomez A., Tacheau A., Finet G., Lagache M., Martiel J.L., Le Floc`h S., Yazdani S.K., Elias-Zuniga A., Pettigrew R.I., Cloutier G., Ohayon J., The intraluminal ultrasonic palpation imaging technique revisited for anisotropic characterization of healthy and atherosclerotic coronary arteries: A feasibility study, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 45 (1): 35-49, 2019.
- Hammouche A., Cloutier G., Tardif J.C., Hammaouche K., Meunier J., Automatic IVUS lumen segmentation using a 3D adaptive helix model, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 107:58-72, 2019.
- Roy Cardinal M.H., Destrempes F., Soulez G., Cloutier G., Assessment of carotid artery plaque components with machine learning classification using homodyned-K parametric maps and elastograms, IEEE Trans. Ultras. Ferro. Freq. Controls - special issue on Pilot Clinical Translation of New Medical Ultrasound Methodologies, 66 (3): 493-504, 2019.
- Faurie J., Baudet M., Porée J., Cloutier G., Tournoux F., Garcia D., Coupling myocardium and vortex dynamics in diverging-wave echocardiography, IEEE Trans. Ferro. Freq. Control, (special issue on Pilot Clinical Translation of New Medical Ultrasound Methodologies), 66 (3): 425-432, 2019.
- Tang A., Destrempes F., Kazemirad S., Garcia-Duitama J., Nguyen B.N., Cloutier G., Quantitative ultrasound and machine learning for assessment of steatohepatitis in a rat model, European Radiology, 29 (5): 2175-2184, 2019.
- Chayer B., van den Hoven M., Roy Cardinal M.H., Li H., Swillens A., Lopata R., Cloutier G., Atherosclerotic carotid bifurcation phantoms with stenotic soft inclusions for ultrasound flow and vessel wall elastography imaging, Physics Med. Biol., 64: 095025(1)-(12), 2019.
- Bhatt M., Moussu M., Chayer B., Destrempes F., Gesnik M., Allard L., Tang A., Cloutier G., Reconstruction of viscosity maps in ultrasound shear wave elastography, IEEE Trans. Ultras., Ferro. Freq. Controls, 66(6): 1065-1078, June, 2019.
- Lefebvre T., Wartelle-Bladou C., Wong P., Sebastiani G., Giard J.M., Castel H., Murphy-Lavallée J., Olivié D., Llinca A., Sylvestre M.P., Gilbert G., Gao Z.H., Nguyen B.N., Cloutier G., Tang A., Prospective comparison of transient, point shear wave, and magnetic resonance elastography for staging liver fibrosis, European Radiology, 29 (12): 6477-6488, 2019.
- Bureau N.J., Destrempes F., Acid S., Lungu E., Moser T., Michaud J., Cloutier G., Diagnostic accuracy of echo envelope statistical modeling compared to B-mode and power Doppler ultrasound imaging in patients with clinically-diagnosed lateral epicondylosis of the elbow, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 238: 2631-2641, 2019.
- Wang D., Cloutier G., Fan Y., Hou Y., Su Z., Su Q., Wan M., Automatic respiratory gating hepatic DCEUS-based dual-phase multi-parametric functional perfusion imaging using a derivative principal component analysis, Theranostics, 9 (21): 6143-6156, 2019.
- El Jalbout R., Cloutier G., Fan Y., Hou Y., Su Z., Su Q., Wan M., Roy Cardinal M.H., Henderson M., Levy E., Lapierre C., Soulez G., Dubois J., The value of non-invasive vascular elastography (NIVE) in detecting early vascular changes in overweight and obese children, European Radiology, 29 (7): 3854-3861, July 2019.
- Wang D., Sang Y., Zhang X., Hu H., Lu S., Fu C., Cloutier G., Wan M., Numerical and experimental investigation of impacts of nonlinear scattering encapsulated microbubbles on Nakagami distribution, Medical Physics, 29 (7): 3854-3861, July 2019.
- Chayer B., Allard L., Qin Z., Garcia-Duitama J., Roger L., Destrempes F., Cailhier J.F., Denault A., Cloutier G., Pilot clinical study of quantitative ultrasound spectroscopy measurements of erythrocyte aggregation within superficial veins, Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 74 (2): 109-126, 2020.
- Lefebvre T., Petitclerc L., Hébert M., Bilodeau L., Sebastiani G., Olivié D., Gao Z.H., Sylvestre M.P., Cloutier G., Nguyen B.N., Gilbert G., Tang A., MRI cine-tagging of cardiac-induced motion for noninvasive staging of liver fibrosis, J. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 51 (5): 1570-1580, 2020.
- He Z., Mongrain R., Lessard S., Chayer B., Cloutier G., Soulez G., Anthropomorphic and biomechanical mockup for abdominal aortic aneurysm, Medical Engineering and Physics, 77: 60-68, 2020.
- Roy Cardinal M.H., Durand M., Chartrand-Lefebvre C., Fortin C., Baril J.G., Trottier B., Routy J.P., Soulez G., Tremblay C., Cloutier G., Increased carotid artery wall stiffness and plaque prevalence in HIV infected patients measured with ultrasound elastography, European Radiology, 30 (6): 3178-3187, 2020.
- Destrempes F., Trop I., Allard L., Chayer B., El Khoury M., Lalonde L., Cloutier G., Added value of quantitative ultrasound and machine learning in BI-RADS 4-5 assessment of solid breast lesions, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 46 (2): 436-444, 2020.
- Voisard N., Bertrand-Grenier A., Alturkistani H., Therasse E., Tang A., Kauffmann C., Cloutier G., Soulez G., Feasibility of shear wave sonoelastography to detect endoleak and evaluate thrombus organization after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm, European Radiology, 30 (3): 3879-3889, 2020.
- Gesnik M., Bhatt M., Roy Cardinal M.H., Destrempes F., Allard L., Nguyen B.N., Alquier T., Giroux J.F., Tang A., Cloutier G., In vivo ultrafast quantitative ultrasound and shear wave elastography imaging on farm-raised duck livers during force feeding, Ultrasound Med. Biol., 46 (7): 1715-1726, 2020.
- Li H., Porée J., Chayer B., Roy Cardinal M.H., Cloutier G., Parameterized strain estimation for vascular ultrasound elastography with sparse representation, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 39 (12): 3788-3800, 2020.
- Akinyi T., Grasland-Mongrain P., Bhatt M., Catheline S., Cloutier G., Chapter 11: Recent advances in imaging of cell elasticity. In Viscoelasticity and Collective Cell Migration: An Interdisciplinary Perspective across Levels of Organization, Elsevier (New York), I. Pajic-Lijakovic and E. Barrigas Editors, 257-296 (book of 304 pages), 2021.
- Gomez A., Tacheau A., Le Floc’h S., Pettigrew R.I., Cloutier G., Finet G., Ohayon J., Chapter 20: Intravascular ultrasound imaging of human coronary atherosclerotic plaque: Novel morpho-elastic biomarkers of instability, In Biomechanics of Living Organs Series, Volume 3: Biomechancis of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque: from Model to Patient, Elsevier (New York), J. Ohayon and Y. Payan Editors, 465-489 (book of 654 pages), 2021.
- Bhatt M., Yazdani L., Destrempes F., Allard L., Nguyen B.N., Tang A., Cloutier G., Multiparametric in vivo ultrasound shear wave viscoelastography on farm-raised fatty duck livers: Human radiology imaging applied to food sciences, Poultry Science, 100 (4): 100968(1)-(13), 2021.
- Lefebvre T., Hébert M., Bilodeau L., Sebastiani G., Cerny M., Olivié D., Gao Z.H., Sylvestre M.P., Cloutier G., Nguyen B.N., Gilbert G., Tang A., Intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted MRI for characterization of inflammation in chronic liver disease, European Radiology, 31 (3): 1347-1358, 2021.
- Flé G., Gilbert G., Grasland-Mongrain P., Cloutier G., Lorentz force induced shear waves for magnetic resonance elastography applications, Scientific Reports, 11: 12785(1)-(11), 2021.
- Li H., Flé G., Bhatt M., Qu Z., Ghazavi S., Yazdani L., Bosio G., Rafati I., Cloutier G., Viscoelasticity imaging of biological tissues and single cells using shear wave propagation, Frontiers in Physics, 9: 666192(1)-(39), June 2021.
- Cloutier G., Destrempes F., Yu F.T.H., Tang A., Quantitative ultrasound imaging of soft biological tissues: A primer for radiologists and medical physicists, Insights into Imaging, 12: 127(1)-(20), 2021.
- El-Far M., Hanna D.B., Durand M., Larouche-Anctil E., Sylla M., Chartrand-Lefebvre C., Cloutier G., Goulet J.P., Kassaye S., Karim R., Kizer J.R., French A., Gange S., Lazar J., Hodis H.N., Routy J.P., Ancuta P., Chomont N., Landay A.L., Kaplan R.C., Tremblay C.L., Subclinical carotid artery atherosclerosis is associated with increased expression of peripheral blood IL-32 isoforms among women living with HIV, Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 88 (2): 186-191, October 2021.
- Destrempes F., Cloutier G., Statistical modeling of ultrasound signals related to the packing factor of wave scattering phenomena for structural characterization, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150 (5): 3544-3556, November 2021.
- Bosio G., Zenati N., Destrempes F., Chayer B., Pernod G., Cloutier G., hear wave elastography and quantitative ultrasound as biomarkers to characterize deep vein thrombosis in vivo, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 41 (7): 1807-1816, July 2022.
- Wang D., Chayer B., Destrempes F., Gesnik M., Tournoux F., Cloutier G., Deformability of ascending thoracic aorta aneurysms assessed using ultrafast ultrasound and a principal strain estimator: In vitro evaluation and in vivo feasibility, Medical Physics, 49 (3): 1759-1775, 2022.
- Destrempes F., Gesnik M., Chayer B., Roy Cardinal M.H., Olivié D., Giard J.M., Sebastiani G., Nguyen B.N., Cloutier G., Tang A., Quantitative ultrasound, elastography, and machine learning for assessment of steatosis, inflammation, and fibrosis in chronic liver disease, Plos One, 17(1): e0262291(1)-(21), 2022.
- Chayer B., Roy Cardinal M.H., Biron V., Cloutier N., Petit C., Dubord S., Allard L., Cloutier G., Impact of applying a skin compression with the ultrasound probe on carotid artery strain elastography, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 41 (3): 685-697, 2022.
- Sivakumaran L., Alturkistani H., Lerouge S., Bertrand-Grenier A., Zehtabi F., Thérasse E., Roy Cardinal M.H., Bhatnagar S., Cloutier G., Soulez G., Strain ultrasound elastography of aneurysm sac content after randomized endoleak embolization with sclerosing and non-sclerosing chitosan-based hydrogels in a canine model, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 33 (5): 495-504, 2022.
- Yazdani L., Bhatt M., Rafati I., Tang A., Cloutier G., The revisited frequency-shift (R-FS) method for shear wave attenuation computation and imaging, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 69 (6): 2061-2074, June 2022.
- Roy Cardinal M.H., Durand M., Chartrand-Lefebvre C., Soulez G., Tremblay C., Cloutier G., for the Canadian HIV and Aging Cohort Study, Associative prediction of carotid artery plaques based on ultrasound strain imaging and cardiovascular risk factors in people living with HIV and age-matched control subjects of the CHACS cohort, Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 91 (1): 91-100, September 2022.
- Bureau N.J., Tétreault P., Grondin P., Freire V., Desmeules F., Cloutier G., Julien A.S., Choinière M., Treatment of chronic lateral epicondylosis: A randomized trial comparing the efficacy of ultrasound-guided tendon dry needling and open-release surgery, European Radiology, 32 (11): 7612-7622, November 2022.
- Wear K.A., Han A., Rubin J., Gao J., Lavarello R., Cloutier G., Bamber J., Tuthill T., Ultrasound backscatter for liver fat quantification: An AIUM-RSNA QIBA pulse echo quantitative ultrasound (PEQUS) initiative, Radiology, 305 (3): 526-537, December 2022.
- Li H., Bhatt M., Qu Z., Zhang S., Hartel M.C., Khademhosseini A., Cloutier G., Deep learning in ultrasound elastography imaging, Medical Physics, 49 (9): 5993-6018, September 2022.
- Girard M., Roy Cardinal M.H., Chassé M., Garneau S., Cavayas A., Cloutier G., Denault A.Y., Regional pleural strain measurements during mechanical ventilation using ultrasound elastography: A randomised, crossover, proof of concept physiologic study, Frontiers in Medicine, 9: 935482(1)-(11), 2022.
- Wang D., Chayer B., Destrempes F., Porée J., Roy Cardinal M.H., Tournoux, Cloutier G., Ultrafast myocardial principal strain ultrasound elastography during stress tests: In vitro validation and in vivo feasibility, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 69 (12): 3284-3296, December 2022.
- Rafati I., Destrempes F., Yazdani L., Gesnik M., Tang A., Cloutier G., Regularized ultrasound phantom-free local attenuation coefficient slope (ACS) imaging in homogeneous and heterogeneous tissues, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 69 (12): 3338-3352, December 2022.
- Alchourron E., Dubois J., Cloutier G., Stein N., Farhat Z., Roy Cardinal M.H., Moretti J.B., Lapierre C., El Jalbout R., Non-invasive vascular elastography as a one-step imaging technique to evaluate early vascular changes in children compared to B-mode-based intima-media thickness technique: A validation study using inter- and inter-rater reliability, Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, 74 (2): 422-431, 2023.
- Bunet R., Roy Cardinal M.H., Ramani H., Cleret-Buhot A., Durand M., Chartrand-Lefebvre C., Routy J.P., Thomas R., Trottier B., Ancuta P., Hanna D.B., Landay A.L., Cloutier G., Tremblay C.L., El-Far M., Differential impact of IL-32 isoforms on the functions of coronary artery endothelial cells: A potential link with arterial stiffness and atherosclerosis, Viruses, 15 (700): 1-18, 2023.
- Flé G., Van Houten E., Remillard-Labrosse G., FitzHarris G., Cloutier G., Imaging the sub-cellular viscoelastic properties of mouse oocytes, PNAS, PNAS, 120 (21): e2213836120(1)-(9), 2023. (Supplément).
- Fetzer D.T., Pierce T.T., Robbin M.L., Cloutier G., Mufti A., Hall T.J., Chauhan A., Kubale R., Tang A., Ultrasound quantification of liver fat: Past, present, and future, Radiographics, 43 (7): e220178(1)-(18), July 2023.
- Yazdani L, Rafati I., Gesnik M., Nicolet F., Chayer B., Gilbert G., Volniansky A., Olivié D., Giard J.M., Sebastiani G., Nguyen B.N., Tang A., Cloutier G., Ultrasound shear wave attenuation imaging for grading liver steatosis in volunteers and patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A pilot study, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 49 (10): 2264-2272, 2023. (Supplément).
- Vianna P., Calce S.I., Boustros P., Laroque-Rigney C., Patry-Beaudoin L., Luo Y.H., Aslan E., Marinos J., Alamri T.M., Vu K.N., Murphy-Lavallée J., Billiard J.S., Montagnon E., Li H., Kadoury S., Nguyen B., Gauthier S., Thérien B., Rish I., Belilowsky E., Wolf G., Chassé M., Cloutier G., Tang A., Comparison of radiologists and deep learning for US grading of hepatic steatosis, Radiology, 309 (1): e230659(1)-(10), October 2023. (Editorial).
- Bosio G., Destrempes F., Yazdani L., Roy Cardinal M.H., Cloutier G., Resonance, velocity, dispersion, and attenuation of ultrasound-induced shear wave propagation in blood clot in vitro models, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 43 (3): 535-551, 2024.
- Bosio G., Destrempes F., Roy Cardinal M.H., Cloutier G., Effect of rt-PA on shear wave mechanical assessment and quantitative ultrasound properties of blood clot kinetics in vitro, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, in press, 2023.
- Tehrani A.K.Z., Cloutier G., Tang A., Rosado-Mendez I.M., Rivaz H., Homodyned K-distribution parameter estimation in quantitative ultrasound: Autoencoder and Bayesian neural network approaches, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 71 (3): 354-365, March 2024.