- Three scientists win a $10,000 prize each for organizing international conferences in Montreal... Palais des congrès de Montréal, December 15, 2021. To read more...
- Three scientists win a $10,000 prize each for organizing international conferences in Montreal... Palais des congrès de Montréal, December 15, 2021. To read more...
- Dr. Guy Cloutier receives a certificate of appreciation from IEEE Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control for his work as Associate Editor-in-Chief, December 16, 2020. To read more...
European Radiology- Our research work highlighted by the journal European Radiology, 12 mars 2020. To read more...
- An FRSQ Audace grant - sono-palpation and sono-visualization to diagnose chronic low back pain, Departement de radiologie, radio-oncologie et médecine nucléaire, Université de Montréal. To read more...
- Débusquer les cancers cachés... L'intelligence artificielle contre le cancer, La Presse, March 1st, 2020. To read more ...
- Onco-Tech recipient: The project of Dr Guy Cloutier, Dr An Tang and their team, Centre de recherche du CHUM, Département de radiologie, radio-oncologie et médecine nucléaire, Université de Montréal, February 2nd, 2020. To read more...
- 2.6M$ to fight cancer using innovative technologies and artificial intelligence, MedteQ. To read more...
- Longt associeted with ultrasoundand the world of industry, ultrasounds have many applications. and let hope to treat several diseases...Le Bel âge, March 2019. To read more...
- Des chercheurs ont appliqué une technique des sciences de la Terre à un tout autre monde: les cellules...Québec Science, 15 janvier 2018. To read more...
- Des séismes pour explorer nos cellules... Des années lumière, Radio-Canada, 21 janvier 2018. To listen to Chantal Srivastava's report...
- Des tremblements de terre en éprouvette... La presse, 29 janvier 2018. To read more...
- Ils inventent la sismologie cellulaire, Science et vie, 22 janvier 2018. To read more...
- Sismologie cellulaire, Eurekalert: The global source for science news, 15 janvier 2018. To read more...
- Les scientifiques développent la seule technique pour dresser la carte de l'élasticité des composantes de cellules, News medical life sciences, 17 janvier 2018. To read more...
- Cell quake elastography maps elasticity of cell components, Cell science for technology networks, 17 janvier 2018. To read more...
- Cellular seismology: Putting vibrations on the map, Science Daily, 16 janvier 2018. To read more...
- Cellular seismology: Putting vibrations on the map, Press release, CRCHUM, January 15 2018. To read more...
- Sismologie Cellulaire, Pour la science, no 485, March 2018, page 12. To read more...
- Ultra rapid microquakes, Nature Physics, vol 14, mars 2018, page 206. To read more ...
- IRM, PET Scan ou CT Scan, le monde de l'imagerie médicale pullule d'acronymes aux accents exotiques. Pourtant loin de faire les manchettes l'échographie, une technologie fondée sur les ultrasons... To read more...
- The Prix jeune chercheur of the French Physical Society was awarded to Pol - Grasland Mongrain for the quality of his doctoral thesis. This award will be presented on February 5 in the next conference "Regards de physiciens" 2016 in Paris. To read more...
Antony Bertrand Grenier was awarded the first prize for basic research for scientific rigor he has shown and its performance during the presentation of his poster at the Society of Vascular Sciences Quebec on November 20. To read more...
- La presse, 19 aout 2015, Profiter des expériences à l'étranger: Les voyages forment la jeunesse. Les expériences vécues à l'étranger permettent aussi de développer différentes compétences, de se créer un réseau et de se démarquer de ses collègues. Pour lire la suite...
- Canal Argent: Le programme Globalink de Mitacs attire au Québec les talents les plus prometteurs. Pour voir le reportage...
- Website of CRCHUM, october 5th, 2015, A new ultrasound technology developed in collaboration with Guy Cloutier (LBUM), called elastography shows promise not only to effectively identify these leaks, but also to evaluate how the aneurysm heals. Pour lire la suite...